Sowing Seeds in Lisheen

Bradley from “Lisheen Greens” kindly visited the school today to sow some seeds with the junior room.

The seeds were donated to us from Madeline in “Brown Envelope Seeds”. A huge thank you to her.

We sowed carrots, kale, peas, wheat and chives to name a few.

We cannot wait to see their progress over the coming weeks.

Thank you Bradley for your expertise!

Our New Touchscreen Interactive Board

There was great excitement in the senior room this week with the new arrival of our touchscreen interactive board.

This screen will bring a number of new and advanced learning experiences for the pupils, while also providing many IT opportunities for the whole school

New Planter Box

A huge thank you to Bradley and Dee from Lisheen Greens for creating this planter box for our school.
We look forward to starting our “Growing Journey” very soon.

Enrolment 2023

An open day for the enrolment of our new junior infants 2023 takes place in Lisheen N.S on Fri Feb 3rd between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Children will get the opportunity to explore their classroom, meet their teacher and see what our wonderful school is all about!

All Welcome!

Christmas 2022

Christmas 2022

Christmas in Lisheen N.S has been extra special this year as we got to host the spectacular ‘Tree of Light’. We marked this occasion with an evening of festivities in our school for all the community to enjoy.

We also produced this Christmas newsletter to see the wonderful art we have created this term.

Christmas newsletter 2022